Saturday, January 31, 2009

Naughty...or nice?

Naughty... what comes to mind?
Nice...what comes to mind?

Isn't naughty nice sometimes? I think so. I think that naughty is nicer than nice. Why are people so nice all the time? To me, niceties are often times people holding back. Holding back who they are, or what they really think, or what they really want. People aren't "nice." People learn to be nice...or even pretend to be nice...and learn to stifle themselves for the sake of being how they "should" be.

I was raised in a church that thought most everything was wrong. Even setting foot in a bar was wrong... because apparently alcoholism might attack you and take control of you if you set foot in a bar--or God forbid! have a drink. Even cooking with any kind of alcohol was wrong to them. Frankly I think all this obsession over right and wrong and "should" and "should not" is a load of crap. Why are humans as a whole, completely obsessed with what people think? Or what they "should" do?

Maybe people should start being real. Take your mask off and be you. Just BE. I have come to like this approach to living my life. I am so much happier now...I am comfortable in my own skin...and I make my choices...MINE no one else's. Maybe society and human kind as a whole really would be nicer if they knew people were being real with eachother, and most importantly themselves. Obviously this is not the kind of nice and naughty I started this discussion with. But I think it ties in. The more comfortable you are with you...your wants, desires, needs, thoughts, views, etc. The more you will open up...and possibly even be a little naughty.

I have...and I like naughty Val much MUCH better than prim and proper "Ms Perfect all the time" Val. And you know what? I think the people in my life like her better too...Ms prim and proper was a bit of a bitch...and also it was a lie. I may have seemed prim and proper...but that was NOT the was just a secret.

So what is your secret? What are you afraid to let loose in the world. It probably won't be the Pandora's box you expect it to be...give it a whirl. What do you have to lose? Except for maybe a mask...and a fake personality. I lost mine. And I am not done yet. I am not as comfortable as I want to be...but all in time.

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